This high-legibility edition of ‘Liner Notes for Getting Out Without Catching Fire’ urges readers to embrace survivors' stories. Michèle Saint-Michel crafts a vibrant mosaic from shattered fragments, sculpting from diverse experiences and memories. With language that sparks like a flame, these free verse and ekphrastic poems glow, resonating with the brilliance of rising flames. Amidst its urgency and metaphysical slips, the collection illuminates the transformative power of feminine bonds, art, and music. Brave, devastating, and essential.
Liner Notes for Getting Out Without Catching Fire now available as a high-legibility edition in paperback (86 pages) and as digital ebook.
eBook edition for digital download. Also available as Standard (high-legibility) and Deluxe (illustrated) editions.
Standard edition:
ISBN: 979-8-9866429-7-0
Pages: 86
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